Articles sobre pol·linitzadors

Polinizadores de las monocotiledóneas ibéricas (Alismataceae. Butomaceae,Hydrocharitaceae, Discoreaceae, Liliaceae, Smilacaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Iridaceae, Araceae y Orchidaceae)
Polinizadores y biodiversidad. Proyecto Apolo.
Pollination Biology.
Data on the present and future distribution of suitable niches of the black vanilla orchid (Nigritella nigra s.l., Orchidaceae) and its pollinators.
Do floral and ecogeographic isolation allow the co‐occurrence of two ecotypes of Anacamptis papilionacea (Orchidaceae)?
First report on the pollination of Neotinea maculata (Orchidaceae) by minor worker ants of the Temnothorax exilis group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
El grupo Ophrys tenthredinifera (Orchidaceae) en la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares.
Is Ophrys pollination more opportunistic than previously thought? Insights from different field methods of pollinator observation.
Significant habitat loss of the black vanilla orchid (Nigritella nigra s.l., Orchidaceae) and shifts in its pollinators availability as results of global warming.
Female and male fitness of a sexually deceptive orchid with a narrow distribution area: from phenotypic traits to spatial distribution patterns.
Identification of (Z)-8-Heptadecene and n-Pentadecane as Electrophysiologically Active Compounds in Ophrys insectifera and Its Argogorytes Pollinator.
Manipulation of trait expression and pollination regime reveal the adaptive significance of spur length.
Mechanisms of Male-Male Interference during Dispersal of Orchid Pollen.
Modelling sexually deceptive orchid species distributions under future climates: the importance of plant–pollinator interactions
Ophrys dimidiata, eine neue, bisher unbeschriebene Art aus dem Ophrys tenthredinifera-Komplex auf Kreta (Orchidaceae)
Ophrys eretriae, eine neue Art aus dem Ophrys mammosa Komplex von der Insel Euböa (Griechenland)
Why are there so many bee‐orchid species? Adaptive radiation by intra‐specific competition for mnesic pollinators.
Do local conspecific density and floral display size influence fruit set via pollinator visitation in Orchis militaris ?
Does size really matter? A comparative study on floral traits in two different orchid's pollination strategies.
Emergence of a floral colour polimorphism by pollinator-mediated overdominance. Supplementary Information.
Estudios sobre polinización en el género Ophrys (Orchidaceae), I
Ophrys (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae) della Sardegna: nuovi aggiornamenti sugli impollinatori Ophrys (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae) of Sardinia: new updates on pollinators.
Ophrys alpujata - eine neue Orchideenart aus der Provinz Malaga. Ber. Arbeitskrs. Heim. Orchid 36 (1): 265-276; 2019
Orchid-pollinator network in Euro-Mediterranean region: what we know, what we think we know, and what remains to be done.
Pollination of Habenaria tridactylites (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae) on the Canary Islands, Spain.
Pollinators and visitors of the generalized food-deceptive orchid Dactylorhiza majalis in North-Eastern Poland
Speciation, pattern recognition and the maximization of pollination: general questions and answers given by the reproductive biology of the orchid genus Ophrys.
Spontaneous caudicle reconfiguration in Dactylorhiza fuchsii: A new self-pollination mechanism for Orchideae.
The independent and combined effects of floral traits distinguishing two pollination ecotypes of a moth‐pollinated orchid. Supplementary Material
Why are there so many bee-orchid species? Adaptive radiation by intraspecific competition for mnemonic pollinators.
Ant pollination of Dactylorhiza viridis.
Belohnen, Täuschen und Betrügen – von den Fortpflanzungsstrategien der Orchideen.
De Mannetjesorchis in Zuid-Limburg.
De Mannetjesorchis in Zuid-Limburg, Deel 2. Karakteristiek van de groeiplaatsen.
Diel pattern in floral scent emission matches the relative importance of diurnal and nocturnal pollinators in populations of Gymnadenia conopsea.
Diversidad de insectos polinizadores en la Península Ibérica.
Ecological interactions of the sexually deceptive orchid Orchis galilaea.
Effect of pollination strategy. phylogeny and distribution on pollination niches of Euro-Mediterranean orchids.
Ein bestäuber für Ophrys samia von Samos.
Ein neuer fall von hummelbestäubung auf der Ionischen Insel Kefalonia: Ophrys mavromata (Orchidaceae)
El papel de los polinizadores en la evolución floral: una perpectiva mediterránea.
Floral scent in a sexually deceptive Ophrys orchid: from headspace collections to solvent extractions.
Los Apoidea son los polinizadores legítimos de Anacamptis papilionacea (L.) R.M. Bateman, Prigdeon & M.W. Chase en la Península Ibérica.
Pérdida de polinizadores, evidencias, causas y consecuencias.
Pollinators as isolation mechanisms: field observations and field experiments regarding specificity of pollinator attraction in the genus Ophrys (Orchidaceae und Insecta, Hymenoptera, Apoidea)
Reproductive success of Anacamptis morio (Orchidaceae) in the Donau-Auen National Park, Austria.
Sexually deceptive bee orchid pollination: is one tru love or broad sex appeal the best?
Sobre la errónea presencia de Ophrys araneola en Galicia: O. kallaikia, sp. nov.
The pollination of European orchids Part 7. Autogamy: Neotinea maculata and Corallorhiza trifida.
Zygaenidae pollinators of orchids discovered in the collections of the Museum of Nature South Tyrol, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy.
Are food‐deceptive orchid species really functionally specialized for pollinators?
Bestäubungsbiologie und Systematik des Ophrys mammosa Komplexes im östlichen Mittelmeerraum mit Neubeschreibungen von Ophrys prespaensis und O. willingii vom griechischen Festland.
Effects of global change on insect pollinators: multiple drivers lead to novel communities-
El papel de los polinizadores en la evolución floral: una perspectiva mediterránea.
Estudio de las orquídeas silvestres del sistema ibérico. (tesi de J.B. Ayuso)
Floral scent and species divergence in a pair of sexually deceptive orchids.
Fluctuating selection across years and phenotypic variation in food-deceptive orchids.
Fuentes nectaríferas y poliníferas en los prados secos calcáreos y estepas de los Pirineos y el Macizo Cazorla-Segura Península Ibérica) (Hymenoptera, Apoidea)
Functional differentiation in pollination processes among floral traits in Serapias species (Orchidaceae)
Interaction intensity and pollinator-mediated selection.
Interpopulation variation in pollinators and foral scent of the lady’s-slipper orchid Cypripedium calceolus L.
Looks matter: changes in flower form affect pollination effectiveness in a sexually-deceptive orchid.
Mimicry, Aposematism, and related Phenomena.
Noctuid moths as potential hybridization agents for Platanthera orchids.
Ophrys pollination
Polinizadores y cambio climático.
Pollinator diversity and reproductive success of Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz (Orchidaceae) in anthropogenic and natural habitats. + Table S004
Sexual Deception in the Eucera-Pollinated Ophrys leochroma: A Chemical Intermediate between Wasp- and Andrena-Pollinated Species.
Sexually deceptive orchid pollination strategies: is one true love or broad sex appeal best?
Significant ant pollination in two orchid species in the Alps as adaption to the climate of the alpine zone?
The ability of spontaneous autogamy in four orchid species: Cephalanthera rubra, Neottia ovata, Gymnadenia conopsea, and Platanthera bifolia.
The Pollination of European Orchids Part 6: Nectar As Attractant: Gymnadenia conopsea and Neottia ovata.
Zur Bestäubungsbiologie der Gattung Ophrys in Nordspanien: Freilandstudien an Ophrys aveyronensis, O. subinsectifera, O. riojana, O. vasconica und O. forestieri.
Amino acid change in an Orchid desaturase enables mimicry of the pollinator's sex pheromone.
Appendix 1: Pollinators - additions 2016
Cypripedium macranthos Sw. En Russie extrême orientale et sa pollinisation.
Deceived by orchids: Sex, science, fiction and Darwin.
Defensive Bee and Wasp Mimicry by Orchid Flowers.
Does Traunsteinera globosa (the globe orchid) dupe its pollinators through generalized food deception or mimicry?
Eucera (Synhalonia) rufa (Apioidea) polinizador efectivo de Ophrys spectabilis (Orchidaceae)
Floral mimicry.
Implications of insect responses to supernormal visual releasing stimuli in intersexual communication and flower-visiting behaviour: A review.
Insect visitors and potential pollinators of Orchis militaris (Orchidaceae) in Southern Belgium.
Integrative taxonomy of the fly orchid group: insights from chemical ecology.
La pollinisation rusée des Orchidées.
Les pollinisateurs des Ophrys precoces – Yves Wilcox.
Many ways to get happy: pollination modes of european Epipactis species.
Megporzási válság - A pollináció mint természeti szolgáltatás.
Miért olyan sikeresesk a csalók? - A megtévesző megporzású orchideák titka,
Multiple shifts to different pollinators fuelled rapid diversification in sexually deceptive Ophrys orchids.
Orchidées d'Europe, fleur et pollinisation - Jean Claessens et Jacques Kleynen
Pollination by sexual deception – it takes chemistry to work.
Pollinie et pollinaire, une question de définition.
Preliminaries to the study of pollination ecology of Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz (Orchidaceae, Neottieae) in Poland.
Resource- and pollinator-mediated selection on floral traits.
Strong pollinator-mediated selection for increased flower brightness and contrast in a deceptive orchid.
The pollination of European orchids Part 4: Goodyera and Spiranthes.
The pollination of European Orhids Part 5: Himantoglossum and Anacamptis, two examples of deceptive pollination.
Torymus arcticus (Torymidae), ein neuer Bestaüber für Chamorchis alpina.
Un pollinisateur pour Ophrys drumana P. Delforge. Natural. Belges 97 (Orchid. 29): 78-88.
Andrena spp. (Andrenidae) son los polinizadores legítimos de Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Spreng. (Orchidaceae)
Beobachtungen von Miarus campanulae als Bestäuber von Cephalanthera rubra.
Bestäuber als Isolationsmechanismen: Freilandbeobachtungen und Experimente zur Spezifität der Bestäuberanlockung in der Gattung Ophrys (Orchidaceae und Insecta, Hymenoptera, Apoidea)
Bijzondere bestuivers bij orchideeën Deel 4: De Honingbij, een ongewone bestuiver van de Groene nachtorchis (Honeybees, unusual pollinators of Dactylorhiza viridis.
Cteniopus sulphureus L., coleottero Tenebrionidae Alleculinae, nuovo potenziale impollinatore occasionale di Himantoglossum adriaticum.
Ecology & Evolution of Mediterranean orchids. What can we learn from orchid-pollinator network?
Estudi de la biologia reproductiva de l'orquídia Anacamptis coriophora.
Functional significance of labellum pattern variation in a sexually deceptive orchid (Ophrys heldreichii): Evidence of individual signature learning effects.
How do long-horned bee pollinated sexually deceptive orchids attract their pollinators?
Linalool -a longrange mate attractant? - or a longrange attractant for Ophrys habitats!
Male and female reproductive success in natural and anthropogenic populations of Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Sw. (Orchidaceae)
Modeling the two-locus architecture of divergent pollinator adaptation: how variation in SAD paralogs affects fitness and evolutionary divergence in sexually deceptive orchids.
Multiple shifts to different pollinators fuelled rapid diversification in sexually deceptive Ophrys orchids.
No evidence for historical declines in pollination success in Hungarian orchids.
Ophrys parosica-phaseliana-pelinaea-meropes on the Eastern Aegean Islands - Pollination Biology of a confusing O. fusca species group (Orchidaceae, Insecta-Apoidea)
Orchid Pollination Biology.
Polinizadores de las monocotiledóneas ibéricas.
Pollination biology from micro-morphological adaptations to community ecology of plant-pollinator interactions.
Pollinator Behaviour on a Food-Deceptive Orchid Calypso bulbosa and Coflowering Species.
Pollinators as isolation mechanisms; Observations in nature and experiments regarding specificity of pollinator attraction n the genus Ophrys (Orchidaceae und Insecta, Hymenoptera, Apoidea)
Stress-induced changes of floral scent in Ophrys taxa challenge ex situ evidence of supposed pollinator specifity.
Zur Reproduktionsbiologie von Anacamptis (Orchis) coriophora.
Bijzondere bestuivers bij orchideeën Deel 1: Hommels als bestuivers van de Grote muggenorchis (Bumblebees as pollinators of Gymnadenia conopsea).
Bijzondere bestuivers bij orchideeën Deel 2: Bijen als bestuivers van de Grote keverorchis (Neottia ovata). Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 103(5): 140-142.
Bijzondere bestuivers bij orchideeën Deel 3: Honingbij en Hoornaar als bestuivers van de Brede wespenorchis.
Bumblebee-mediated pollination of English populations of the Military Orchid (Orchis militaris): its possible relevance to functional morphology, life history and climate change
Darwin's orchids – Then and Now.
Ein Vorkommen von Himantoglossum metlesicsianum im Norden Teneriffas.
European Red List of Bees.
Floral adaptation to local pollinator guilds in a terrestrial orchid.
Genic rather than genome-wide differences between sexually deceptive Ophrys orchids with different pollinators.
Honeybee (Apis mellifera) mediated increased reproductive succes of a rare deceptive orchid.
La pollinisation des orchidées européennes : une affaire de ruse et de tromperie.
Landscape scale variation in nectar amino acid and sugar composition in a Lepidoptera pollinated orchid species and its relation with fruit set.
Listera ovata (L.) (Orchidaceae) und Blütenbesuch durch Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) in Nordtirol (Österreich).
Low pollination succes of hybrids between nectar-rewarding and food-deceptive orchids.
Megtévesztő stratégia. Mitől függ a sallangvirágok szaporodási sikere?
Multiple shifts to different pollinators fuelled rapid diversification in sexually deceptive Ophrys orchids.
Peculiarities of anthecology of the Provence Orchid (Orchis provincialis, Orchidaceae) in the Crimea: pollinators, method of their attraction, pollination rate [in Russian]
Polinización por hormigas: conceptos, evidencias y futuras direcciones.
Polinizadores potenciales de algunas orquídeas ibéricas y Baleares.
Pollination biology of the genus Ophrys of the Ionian Islands cith special remarks to the systematics of O. punctulata-leucadica, with descriptions of the new species of the lutea- and oestrifera group.
Pollinator attraction in the sexually deceptive orchid Ophrys leochroma.
Potential disruption of pollination in a sexually deceptive orchid by climatic change.
Stress-induced changes of floral scent in Ophrys taxa challenge ex situ evidence of supposed pollinator specifity.
Supporting Information Breitkopf et al. 2014 'Multiple shifts to different pollinators fuelled rapid diversification in sexually deceptive Ophrys orchids'
Supporting Information (SI)
The chemical composition of the floral extract of Epipogium aphyllum SW. (Orchidaceae): a clue for their pollination biology.
The evolution of floral deception in Epipactis veratrifolia (Orchidaceae): from indirect defense to pollination.
The Moth Pollinators of Greater Butterfly Orchids Platanthera chlorantha in Central Scotland.
The pollination of European Orchids Part 3: Limodorum and Epipactis.
The pollination potential of free-foraging bumblebee (Bombus spp.) males (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
The role of preadaptations or evolutionary novelties for the evolution of sexually deceptive orchids.
There is more to pollinator-mediated selection than pollen limitation.
Un jardin pour les abeilles sauvages.
Widerbart – Epipogium aphyllum -Ergänzende Beobachtungen.
Zur bestäubungsbiologie von Serapias lingua und einiger Ophrys-arten in Kroatien (Orchidaceae und Insecta, Apoidea)
Ceratina cucurbitina (ROSSI 1792) (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae) als Bestäuber von Orchis quadripunctata CIRILLO ex TENORE (1812) (Orchidaceae) in Montenegro
Conferma di Andrena hesperia Smith come impollinatore di Ophrys lutea subsp. minor (Tod,) O. Danesch & Danesch in Sardegna.
Dasyscolia ciliata Fabricius 1787, prima segnalazione per l'Italia peninsulare. GIROS Notizie 52: 91-93.
Floral adaptation to local pollinator guilds in a terrestrial orchid.
Honigbienen (Apis mellifera) als Bestäuber von Goodyera repens.
Hybridisierungen innerhalb der Gattung Ophrys im Hinblick auf Blütezeiten der Eltern – das Aus der postulierten eine Orchidee/ein Bestäuber-Beziehung
Involutionary Momentum: Affective Ecologies and the Sciences of Plant/Insect Encounters, with Carla Hustak.
New video registration of Autographa pulchrina (Haworth, 1809) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) and Sphinx pinastri L., 1758 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) pollinating Platanthera bifolia latiflora (Orchidaceae) in Norway.
Pollination activity of Zygaena filipendulae (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) in Anacamptis pyramidalis orchid on the North Bull Island (Ireland)
Pollination ecology of Steveniella satyrioides (Spreng.) Schlts, (Orchidaceae) in Ayan natural landmark (the Crimea)
Pollination in the Early-purple Orchid.
Pollination of Cephalanthera longifolia (L.) Fritsch. (Pàgs. 23-27)
Pollination of Slipper orchids (Cypripedioideae): a review.
Pollinator-mediated evolution of floral signals.
Pollinator shifts and the evolution of spur length in the moth-pollinated orchid Platanthera bifolia.
Pollinator shifts between Ophrys sphegodes populations: might adaptation to different pollinators drive population divergence?
Presence, distribution and effect of white, pink and purple morphs on pollination in the orchid Orchis mascula.
Reduced fecundity in large populations of a Mediterranean orchid – Evidence for pollinator limitation.
Sexual dimorphism of the sensory systems in bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) and the evolution of sex-specific adaptations in the context of mating behavior.
Sexual dimorphism in the olfactory system of a solitary and a eusocial bee species.
The Pollination of European Orchids: Part 1: Introduction and the genera Orchis and Dactylorhiza
The Pollination of European Orchids: Part 2: Cypripedium and Cephalanthera
The promise of genomics in the study of plant-pollinator interactions.
Transcriptome and proteome data reveal candidate genes for pollinator attraction in sexually deceptive orchids.
Vegetation context influences the strength and targets of pollinator-mediated selection in a deceptive orchid.
Zur Bestäubungsökologie des Frauenschuh (Cypripedium calceolus) im Weserbergland (Orchidaceae, Insecta: Hymenoptera) - Grundlagen zum Schutz und Habitatmanagement einer gefährdeten Artmore.
Animal pollination and speciation in plants: general mechanisms and examples from the orchids.
Bestäubung bei Europäischen Orchideen zwischen Allogamie und autogamie – einige Beispiele.
Bestäubungsbiologie und Systematik der Ophrys tenthredinifera-Artengruppe in der Ostägäis (Orchidaceae, Insecta).
Comparative analysis of floral scents in four sympatric species of Serapias L. (Orchidaceae): clues on their pollination strategies.
De bloem van de Europese orchidee, deel 1: Vorm - Orchideeën (74) 2: 34-37
De bloem van de Europese orchidee, deel 2: De vroege bloeiers - Orchideeën (74) 3: 55-59
De bloem van de Europese orchidee, deel 3: De late bloeiers - Orchideeën (74) 4: 84-88.
Des pollinisateurs-consommateurs sur Neottia nidus-avis. (Pàgs. 26-31)
Does bee or wasp mimicry by orchid flowers also deter herbivores?
Feromones: el paper de l'olor en la comunicació animal.
Is Epipactis pseudopurpurata distinct from E. purpurata (Orchidaceae)? Evidence from morphology, anatomy, DNA and pollination biology
Labellum transcriptome reveals alkene biosynthetic genesinvolved in orchid sexual deception and pollination-induced senescence
Les clés de la pollinisation des Ophrys.
OPHRYS D'ITALIA - Romolini & Rémy Souche - ISBN 978-2-918075-02-8
Ophrys leochroma
Phenological responses of British orchids and their pollinators to climate change: an assessment using herbarium and museum collections.
Phylogenetics of tribe Orchideae (Orchidaceae: Orchidoideae) based on combined DNA matrices: inferences regarding timing of diversification and evolution of pollination syndromes.
Pollination ecology of the species from the genus Epipactis (Orchidaceae) in the Crimea [in Russian]
Pollination mode predicts phenological response to climate change in terrestrial orchids: a case study from central Europe.
Pollination of Platanthera chlorantha (Orchidaceae): New video registration of a hawkmoth (Sphingidae).
Pollinator-driven speciation in sexually deceptive Orchids.
Possible chemical mimicry of the European lady’s slipper orchid (Cypripedium calceolus).
Pre-adaptations and the evolution of pollination by sexual deception: Cope’s rule of specialization revisited.
Separating selection by diurnal and nocturnal pollinators on floral display and spur length.
Specific ant-pollination in an alpine orchid and the role of floral scent in attracting pollinating ants.
The Genetic Basis of Pollinator Adaptation in a Sexually Deceptive Orchid.
When is an asymmetric plant-pollinator relationship symmetrical?
Az európai orchideák megporzásbiológiája.
Bienen und Pollen.
Biologia zapylania wybranych gatunków z rodzaju Epipactis Zinn, 1757 (Orchidaceae, Neottieae) w Europie Środkowej – „kwiatowi goście” a faktyczni zapylacze.
Chemical ecology and pollinator-driven speciation in sexually deceptive orchids.
Die Grabwespe Argogorytes fargeii als Bestáuber von Ophrys regis-ferdinandii (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Cabronidae und Orchidaceae) – Untersuchungen in Rhodos, Chios und Samos
Does facilitating pollinator learning impede deceptive orchid attractiveness? A multi-approach test of avoidance learning.
Dynamic speciation processes in the mediterranean orchid genus Ophrys L. (Orchidaceae).
Effects of conspecific and heterospecific floral density on the pollination of two related rewarding orchids.
Effects of Nectar Production and Pollinator Assemblies on Mating Patterns in Orchids.
Evidence for progenitor–derivative speciation in sexually deceptive orchids.
Integrating past and present studies on Ophrys pollination - a comment on Bradshaw et al.
Lista actualizada de las especies de abejas de España (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Apiformes)
Ophrys heterochila, Ophrys dodekanensis, Ophrys minutula, Ophrys oreas – Versuch einer Neubewertung.
Orchid pollination by sexual deception: pollinator perspectives.
Polinizadores y visitantes de Crypripedium calceolus L. en la Península Ibérica.
Polinizadores y visitantes de Epipactis en la Península Ibérica.
Pollination ecology in the 21st century: Key questions for future research.
Pollination Ecology of Lizard Orchid (Himantoglossum caprinum) in Crimea.
Pollinator-Driven Speciation in Sexually Deceptive Orchids.
Pollinators as drivers of plant distribution and assemblage into communities.
Post pollination events in a sexually deceptive orchid (Ophrys fusca Link): a transcriptional and metabolic approach.
Specific ant-pollination in an alpine orchid and the role of floral scent in attracting pollinating ants.
Stearoyl-acyl carrier protein desaturases are associated with floral isolation in sexually deceptive orchids.
Studies in Ophrys L. sectio Pseudophrys Godfery - II. Andrena flavipes Pz. pollinated taxa.
The ecological and genetic basis of floral isolation in a specialized pollination system.
The pollination of Epipactis Zinn, 1757 (Orchidaceae) Species in Central Europe – The significance of chemical attractants, floral morphology and concomitant insects.
Two phylogenetically distinct species of sexually deceptive orchids mimic the sex pheromone of their single common pollinator, the cuckoo bumblebee Bombus vestalis.
Untersuchungen zur funktion komplexer lippenmuster der sexualtäuschorchidee Ophrys heldreichii durch lernversuche mit der honigbiene.
Zur Bestäubungsbiologie einiger Ophrys-Arten in Nordthessalien mit Beschreibung von Ophrys olympiotissa aus der Ophrys argolica ferrum-equinum-Gruppe (Orchidaceae und Insecta, Apoidea)
Absence of pollinator-mediated premating barriers in mixed-ploidy populations of Gymnadenia conopsea s.l. (Orchidaceae).
Cheaters and liars: chemical mimicry at its finest ¹'²
Comportamiento de algunos Colletidae, Megachilidae y Anthophoridae en el macizo Cazorla-Segura (Jaén, España) (Hymenoptera, Apoidea)
Comportamiento del abejorro Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) en el proceso de polinización de la orquídea nectarífera Orchis fragrans Pollini en el macizo Cazorla-Segura (Jaén, España)
Darwin’s legacy: the forms, function and sexual diversity of flowers.
Darwin's Pioneering Work on Orchid Pollination.
De la similitude du comportement des mâles d'abeilles Eucerini sur différents genres d'orchidées, ainsi que celui d'autres abeilles qui ont des moeurs comparables. (Pàgs.16-41)
Differences in pollen viability in relation to different deceptive pollination strategies in Mediterranean orchids.
Evidence for progenitor–derivative speciation in sexually deceptive orchids.
Facilitation de pollinisation chez les orchidées trompeuses.
Hybrid floral scent novelty drives pollinator shift in sexually deceptive orchids.
Multi-species phylogeographic investigations in closely-related taxa and mutualistic plant-insect systems.A temperate orchid species group as second case-study-The European genus Ophrys. (Pàgs. 11-14)
Multi-species phylogeographic investigations in closely-related taxa and mutualistic plant-insect systems.Hidden and visible diversity in the fly orchid (Ophrys insectifera): respective contributions in defining. (Pàgs. 65-95)
Multi-species phylogeographic investigations in closely-related taxa and mutualistic plant-insect systems.Large-scale spatial genetic structure of the fly orchid (Ophrys insectifera group) reveals endemic lineages from different origins. (Pàgs. 97-137)
Orchid pollination by sexual deception: pollinator perspectives.
Polinizadores potenciales y visitantes de Dactylorhiza spp. en los Pirineos (Huesca y Lérida) y el Macizo Cazorla-Segura (Jaén-España) (Insecta)
Polinizadores y visitantes de Ophrys L. en la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares.
Pollination efficiency and the evolution of specialized deceptive pollination systems.
Pollination syndromes in Mediterranean orchids--implications for speciation, taxonomy and conservation.
Pollinator attraction in wasp-flowers.
Pollinator-driven speciation in sexually deceptive orchids of the genus ophrys.
Pollinator-mediated selection on floral display and spur length in the orchid Gymnadenia conopsea.
Pollinator-mediated selection on floral display, spur length and flowering phenology in the deceptive orchid Dactylorhiza lapponica.
Smells like aphids: orchid flowers mimic aphid alarm pheromones to attract hoverflies for pollination.
Strong post-pollination pre-zygotic isolation between sympatric, food-deceptive Mediterranean orchids.
Temporal and spatial variation in flower and fruit production in a food-deceptive orchid: a five-year study.
The chemical ecology and evolution of bee-flower interactions: a review and perspectives.
Visual discrimination between two sexually deceptive Ophrys species by a bee pollinator.
What We Think We Know vs. What We Need to Know About Orchid Pollination and Conservation: Cypripedium L. as a Model Lineage.
Why sexually deceptive orchids have colored flowers.
Zygaenini Latreille 1809 visitadores de algunas orquídeas del Noreste y Sureste de España (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae)
A plant's view of cheating in plant-pollinator mutualisms.
Bestäubung und Systematik der Ophrys holoserica-episcopalis-Gruppe: Ophrys saliarisii spec. Nov. Aus Chios und Rhodos.
Bestäubungsbiologie einiger Ophrys-Arten der Süd-Türkei (Prov. Antalya) mit Beschreibung einer weiteren "Käfer-fusca&" Ophrys urteae spec.nov. (Orchidaceae und Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae).
Comparative approaches to the evolution of reproductive isolation: a comment on Scopece et al. 2007
Comportamiento de Bombus spp. sobre Ophrys speculum Link subsp. speculum en el macizo Cazorla-Segura (Jaén, España) (Hymenoptera, Apidae) – (Pàgs. 548-549)
Despite their apparent integration, spur length but not perianth size affects reproductive success in the moth‐pollinated orchid Platanthera bifolia.
Diferencia en la duración de las visitas de insectos (insecta) a las flores de orquídeas nectariferas y no nectariferas en el macizo Cazorla-Segura (Jaen, España)
Diskriminierung komplexer Blütenmuster der Heldreichs Ragwurz (Ophrys heldreichii) durch die Honigbiene (Apis mellifera)
Effects of individual and population parameters on reproductive success in three sexually deceptive orchid species.
Floral colour signal increases short-range detectability of a sexually deceptive orchid to its bee pollinator.
Floral isolation, specialized pollination, and pollinator behavior in orchids.
Genetic patterns and pollination in Ophrys iricolor and O. mesaritica (Orchidaceae): sympatric evolution by pollinator shift.
Identifizierung und Synthese verhaltensmodifizierender Signalstoffe aus Insekten und Pflanzen.
Lepidoptera visitantes y polinizadores potenciales de Platanthera sp. en el Pirineo (Huesca y Lérida) y el Macizo Cazorla-Segura (Jaen, España) (Lepidoptera)
Ménage à trois - two endemic species of deceptive orchids and one pollinator species.
On the roles of colour and scent in a specialized floral mimicry system.
Orchid pollination: from Darwin to the present day.
Pollination biology and systematics of the Ophrys holoserica-episcopalis group: Ophrys saliarisii nov.spec. from Chios and Rhodos (Orchidaceae and Insecta, Apoidea, Anthophoridae).
Pollination effectiveness of orchids (Orchidaceae) with solitary and aggregation blooming.
Pollination Efficiency and the Evolution of Specialized Deceptive Pollination Systems.
Pollination of the Lady’s slipper orchid (Cypripedium calceolus) in Scandinavia
Pollinator attraction in Anacamptis papilionacea (Orchidaceae): a food or a sex promise?
Speciation in sexually deceptive orchids: pollinator-driven selection maintains discrete odour phenotypes in hybridizing species.
Variaciones diurnas en las visitas a Barlia robertiana (Loisel.) Greuter e Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Spreng. (Orchidaceae) por abejorros (Bombus Latreille, 1802) en el macizo Cazorla-Segura (Jaén, España) (Hymenoptera, Apidae)
Visitas de Andrena nigroaenea nigrosericea Dours, 1872 a Ophrys sphegodes Mill. durante su floración en el macizo Cazorla-Segura (Jaén, España) (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae
Wie Orchideenblüten Insekten-Männchen táuschen. (Pàgs. 16-23)
Zygaenini Latreille1809 visitadores de algunas orquídeas del Noreste y Sureste de España (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae)
Abejorros (Bombus Latreille, 1802) polinizadores de Limodorum spp. y Epipactis spp. en el macizo Cazorla-Segura (Jaén, España) (Hymenoptera, Apidae)
Andrena combinata, ein neuer Bestäuber von Ophrys araneola.
Colour similarity to rewarding model plants affects pollination in a food deceptive orchid, Orchis boryi.
Cucullia umbratica L. als Bestäuber von Platanthera ×hybrida Bruegg. in Süd-Limburg (Niederlande)
Deception above, deception below: linking pollination and mycorrhizal biology of orchids.
Deceptive behavior in plants. I. Pollination by sexual deception in Orchids: A Host-Parasite Perspective
Double floral mimicry and the magnet species effect in dimorphic co-flowering species, the deceptive orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina and rewarding Viola aethnensis.
Effect of nectar supplementation on male and female components of pollination success in the deceptive orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina.
Evolution of sexual mimicry in the orchid subtribe orchidinae: the role of preadaptations in the attraction of male bees as pollinators.
New results in pollination biology of the Ophrys umbilicata - carmeli species group in the eastern Egeis and Middle East.
Orchids mimic green-leaf volatiles to attract prey-hunting wasps for pollination.
Ophrys reinhardiorum H. F. PAULUS spec. nov. und ihr Bestäuber Eupavlovskia funeraria. Zur Bestäubungsbiologie und Taxonomie einer neuen Art der Ophrys reinholdii-Gruppe aus Nordostgriechenland (Orchidaceae; Insecta, Apoidea).
Pollination ecology of Marsh Helleborine Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz on the Polish side of the Orlickie Mts. (Central Sudety Mts.)
Pollination efficiency and reproductive patterns in relation to local plant density, population size, and floral display in the rewarding Listera ovata (Orchidaceae)
Pollinator-attracting semiochemicals of the wasp-flower Epipactis helleborine.
Pollinator convergence and the nature of species’ boundaries in sympatric Sardinian Ophrys (Orchidaceae).
Pollinator-mediated selection, reproductive isolation and floral evolution in Ophrys orchids.
Pollinator-mediated selfing in two deceptive orchids and a review of pollinium tracking studies addressing geitonogamy.
Reproductive success of Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. incarnata (Orchidaceae): the effects of population size and plant visibility.
Scent variation and hybridization cause the displacement of a sexually deceptive orchid species.
Selfing potential in Epipactis palustris, E. helleborine and E. atrorubens (Orchidaceae)
Should food-deceptive species flower before or after rewardinf species? An experimental test of pollinator visitation behaviour under contrasting phenologies.
Specificity in pollination and consequences for postmating reproductive isolation in deceptive Mediterranean orchids.
The effects of plant density and nectar reward on bee visitation to the endangered orchid Spiranthes romanzoffiana.
The evolution of imperfect floral mimicry.
The role of pollinator attracting scent in the sexually deceptive orchids Ophrys chestermaniiO. normanii and O. tenthredinifera.
A contribution to the pollination biology of Ophrys scolopax Cavanilles (Orchidaceae) in southern France. Natural. belges 88 (Orchid. 20) (2007):17-26
Abeilles sauvages, bourdons et autres insectes pollinisateurs.
Bestäubungsbiologische Untersuchungen an Winterorchideen auf der Ägäis-Insel Kos (Orchidaceae und Insecta, Hymenoptera,Apoidea)
Biologia de Xilocopa violacea (Linnè, 1758) (Hymenoptera: Apidae): repertorio floristico europeo.
Comparison of the flower scent of the sexually deceptive orchid Ophrys iricolor and the female sex pheromone of its pollinator Andrena morio.
Chemical Mimicry in Sexually Deceptive Orchids of the Genus Ophrys.
Dating the origin of the Orchidaceae from a fossil orchid with its pollinator.
Does selection on floral odor promote differentiation among populations and species sexually deceptive orchid genus Ophrys?
Hand pollination to increase seed-set of red helleborine Cephalanthera rubra in the Chiltern Hills, Buckinghamshire, England.
Increase of pollinator attraction by means of a visual signal in the sexually deceptive orchid, Ophrys heldreichii (Orchidaceae)
La fecundación de las orquídeas - Charles Darwin - ISBN: 978-84-935661-8-0 - Editorial Laeotoli.
La pollinisation de l’Ophrys arachnitiformis(Orchidaceae) par les mâles de Colletes cunicularius (L.) (Hymenoptera, Colletidae) dans les Pyrénées-Atlantiques (France).
Larval aggregations of the blister beetle Stenoria analis (Schaum) (Coleoptera: Meloidae) sexually deceive patrolling males of their host, the solitary bee Colletes hederae Schmidt & Westrich (Hymenoptera: Colletidae)
Male bumble bee pheromonal components in the scent of deceit pollinated orchids; unrecognized pollinator cues?
Metapopulation pollination in the deceptive orchid Anacamptis pyramidalis.
Neues aus Kreta und Rhodos: Bestäubungsbiologie und molekular-genetische Trennung in der Ophrys fusca – Gruppe, mit Neubeschreibungen von Ophrys phaidra Paulus nov.sp., O. pallidula Paulus nov.sp. und O. kedra Paulus nov.sp. aus Kreta (Orchidaceae und Insecta, Apoidea) (Pàgs. 101-152)
Ophrys insectifera complex; Ophrys subinsectifera from Spain. A new mechanism of pollination through sexual deception. Proceedings of the European Orchid Council, 14-20th Feb. 2006. Padova, Italia. Caesiana 28: 121-126.
Patterns of reproductive isolation in Mediterranean deceptive orchids.
Pollination of the European food-deceptive Traunsteinera globosa (Orchidaceae): the importance of nectar-producing neighbouring plants.
Pollinator driven radiation in sexually deceptive orchids ofthe genus Ophrys.
Population differentiation in female sex pheromone and male preferences in a solitary bee.
Reproductive assurance and the evolution of pollination specialization.
Taxonomic complexity, conservation and recurrent origins of self-pollination in Epipactis (Orchidaceae)
Variability in Floral Scent in Rewarding and Deceptive Orchids: The Signature of Pollinator-imposed Selection?
Volatiles of the inflorescences of the Madeiran orchids, Goodyera macrophylla Lowe and Gennaria diphylla (Link) Parl. and their role in pollination.
Wie Insekten-Männchen von Orchideenblüten getäuscht werden – Bestäubungstricks und Evolution in der mediterranen Ragwurzgattung Ophrys.
Deceived males - Pollination biology of the Mediterranean orchid genus Ophrys (Orchidaceae)
Doing the twist: a test of Darwin's cross-pollination hypothesis for pollinarium reconfiguration.
Ehrliche und täuschende Signale: Bestäubereanlockung und Blütenevolution bei Pflanzen.
Fine scale distribution of pollinator explains the occurrence of the natural orchid hybrid ×Orchis bergonii.
Floral scent and pollinator attraction in sexually deceptive orchids.
Gymnostemium micromorphology and pollination in Epipactis microphylla (Orchidaceae)
Mechanisms and evolution of deceptive pollination in orchids.
New insights into pollination of Mediterranean terrestrial orchids by butterflies and moths.
Observations on the pollination of Ophrys fuciflora by pseudocopulating males of Phyllopertha horticola in northern France.
Patrolling males of Andrena bicolor F. (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae) as pollinators of Ophrys massiliensis Viglione & Véla. Natural. belges 87 (Orchid. 19) (2006): 63-68
Pollination of European Orchids - Part 2 Tony Hughes. (Pàgs. 89-94)
Population differentiation in female sex pheromone and male preferences in a solitary bee.
Taxonomic complexity, conservation and recurrent origins of self pollination in Epipactis (Orchidaceae).
The pollination ecology of Epipactis consimilis Don (Orchidaceae) in Israel.
Biologia degli Xylocopini Latreille 1802 (Hymenoptera: Apidae): rassegna dei dati sul foraggiamento sulle Orchidaceae (Monocotyledones)
Comparaison des patterns de floraison et de pollinisation et mesures de gestion chez les orchidées du genre Ophrys.
Cuticular hydrocarbons as sex pheromone of the bee Colletes cunicularius and the key to its mimicry by the sexually deceptive orchid, Ophrys exaltata.
Evidence for pollinator sharing in Mediterranean nectar-mimic orchids: absence of premating barriers?Electronic appendix
Floral scent emission and pollinator attraction in two species of Gymnadenia (Orchidaceae).
How do orchids lure pollinators? Nectar chemical composition of Epipactis helleborine s.l. (Orchidaceae, Neottieae) and its influence on insects reactions in field conditions.
Impollinazione di Ophrys subinsectifera (Orchidaceae) / Pollination of Ophrys subinsectifera (Orchidaceae). Caesiana 25: 7-12.
Les orchidées de France, Belgique et Luxembourg . Deuxième edition.
Les orchidées du Sud-Ouest et leur pollinisation par les insectes. (Pàgs. 21-22)
On the pollination of Ophrys catalaunica O. Danesch & E. Danesch by pseudocopulatingmales of Chalicodoma pyrenaica (Lepeletier) (Hymenoptera,Megachilidae).
On the success of a swindle: pollination by deception in orchids.
Orchid's pollinators discovered in insect collections.
Pollination ecology of Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz (Orchidaceae, Neottieae) in the south-western Poland.
Pollination in the European orchids: four examples (Cephalanthera, Ophrys apifera, Corallorhiza trifida, Epipogium aphyllum.
Pollination of Madeiran indigenous orchids.
Pollination succes in monochromic yellow populations of the rewardless orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina.
Pollinator attracting odour signals in sexually deceptive orchids of the Ophrys fusca group.
Pollinator limitation and inbreeding depression in orchids with and without nectar rewards.
Population size, pollination intensity and reproductive success in the deceptive bumble-bee pollinated orchid Dactylorhiza incarnata.
Presence,distribution and effect of white,pink and purple morphs on pollination in the orchid Orchis mascula.
Reproduction sexuée chez les orchidées.
Reproductive biology and pollinator limitation in a deceptive orchid, Serapias vomeracea (Orchidaceae)
Un pollinisateur pour Ophrys bombylifloraNatural. Belges 86 (Orchid. 18): 91-94.
Why do pollinators become "Sluggish"? nectar chemical constituents from Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz (Orchidaceae)
Zur Bestäubungsbiologie der Orchideen.
Adaptive radiation and coevolution — pollination biology case studies.
A mark-recapture study of male Colletes cunicularius bees: implications for pollination by sexual deception.
Cognitive ecology of pollination.
Challenges in reconstructing evolutionary relationships in closely related sexually deceptive orchids (Ophrys)
Epiphytism and pollinator specialization: drivers for orchid diversity?
How plant–animal interactions signal new insights in communication.
Pollination syndromes and floral specialization.
Reproduction sexuée.
Reproductive Success and Sex Variation in Nectarless and Rewarding Orchids.
Un pollinisateur pour Ophrys cilentanaNatural. Belges 85 (Orchid. 17): 125-128.
Un pollinisateur pour Ophrys villosa s. l. — Naturalistes Belges 85: 97–102.
Widderchen als Bestäuber von Orchideen in Thüringen.
Identification of pollinator-attracting semiochemicals of wasp-pollinated Epipactis species.
Outcrossing, hybridization, pollen quantity, and the evolution of deceptive pollination in Dactylorhiza incarnata.
Pollination biology: The role of sexual. Reproduction in orchid conservation. Chapter 7
Pollination succes in a deceptive orchid is enhanced by co-occurring rewarding magnet plants.
Pollinator attraction in a sexually deceptive orchid by means of unconventional chemicals.
(S)-(+)-Linalool, a mate attractant pheromone component in the bee Colletes cunicularius.
A phylogeneteic study of pollinator conservatism among sexually deceptive orchids.
Benefits and costs of mutualism: demographic consequences in a pollinating seed–consumer interaction.
Do changes in floral odor cause speciation in sexually deceptive orchids?
Hymenopteren als Schlüsselarten für Orchideen - Pflanzen in Abhängigkeit von insekten.
Intra- und interspezifische chemische Kommunikation von Insekten Identifizierung und Synthese flüchtiger Signalstoffe.
Odor communication and the evolution of pollination syndromes in orchids.
Odour‐mediated nectar foraging in the silver Y moth, Autographa gamma (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): behavioural and electrophysiological responses to floral volatiles.
Pollination and reproductive success of two colour variants of a deceptive orchid, Dactylorhiza maculata (Orchidaceae)
Pollinator attraction in a sexually deceptive orchid by means of unconventional chemicals.
The formation and function of plant volatiles: perfumes for pollinator attraction and defense.
The potential for floral mimicry in rewardless orchids: an experimental study.
Un pollinisateur pour Ophrys tarquinia. Natural. Belges 83 (Orchid. 15): 36-38.
Volatiles from flowers of Platanthera bifolia (Orchidaceae) attractive to the silver Y moth, Autographa gamma (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Mating behavior and chemical communication in the order Hymenoptera.
Observaciones sobre la polinización de Ophrys speculum por Dasyscolia ciliata.
Parasites and supernormal manipulation.
The combined effect of color and odor on flower choice behavior of bumble bees in flower mimicry systems.
Un pollinisateur pour Ophrys laurensisNatural. belges 82 (Orchid. 14): 143-148.
Un pollinisateur pour Ophrys lucanaNatural. belges 82 (Orchid. 14): 140-142.
Genetic structure in the nonrewarding,bumblebee-pollinated orchid Calypso bulbosa.
Molecular analysis of orchid pollinaria and pollinaria-remains found on insects.
Nutrient versus pollination limitation in Platanthera bifolia and Dactylorhiza incarnata (Orchidaceae)
Pollination in rare plants: is population size important ?
Post-mating odor in females of the solitary bee, Andrena nigroaenea (Apoidea, Andrenidae), inhibits male mating behavior.
Sex pheromone mimicry in the early spider orchid (Ophrys sphegodes): patterns of hydrocarbons as the key mechanism for pollination by sexual deception.
Zur Bestäubungsbiologie einiger Ophrys-Arten Istriens (Kroatien) mit einer Beschreibung von Ophrys serotina Rolli ex Paulus spec, nov. aus der Ophrys holoserica-Artengruppe (Orchidaceae und Insecta, Apoidea)
Bee size and pollen transfer in Cypripedium calceolus (Orchidaceae)
Bestäubungsbiologische Untersuchungen an der Gattung Ophrys in der Provence (SO Frankreich), Ligurien und Toscana (NW Italien) (Orchidaceae und Insecta, Apoidea)
Biologia di Xylocopa violacea (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hymenoptera: Apidae): prima segnalazione di foraggiamento su Ophrys holoserica (Burm. fil.) Greuter in Italia.
Lebensgeschichte und Bestäuber der Orchideen am Beispiel von Niederösterreich.
Orchid pollination by sexual swindle.
Pollen carryover, geitonogamy, and the evolution of deceptive pollination systems in orchids.
Pollination Flow in Hybrid Formation between Orchis morio and Orchis papilionacea (Orchidaceae) in Two Different Habitats.
Sterictiphora furcata Villers, pollinisateur d'Ophrys subinsectifera Hermosilla & Sabando.
Column structure and pollination of Corallorhiza trifida Châtelain (Orchidaceae)
Identification of mating behavior-eliciting odor compounds in Andrena nigroaenea females (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and in the sexually deceptive orchid Ophrys sphegodes.
Male attracting odour compounds in Andrena nigroaenea (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and in the sexually deceptive orchid Ophrys sphegodes.
Observations on the relation between orchids of the genus Serapias and their pollinators in an area of central Tuscany.
Coevolución de insectos y plantas: procesos y mecanismos subyacentes.
Impact of pollination and resource limitation on seed production in a border population of Spiranthes spiralis (Orchidaceae)
Los insectos polinizadores: una aproximación antropocéntrica.
Signale in der Bestäuberanlockung: Weibchenimitation als Bestäubungsprinzip bei der mediterranen Orchideengattung Ophrys.
Signals in pollinator attraction: imitation of females as a pollination principle in the Mediterranean orchid genus Ophrys.
The potential seed productivity of orchid flowers and peculiarities ot their pollination systems.
Variation of Floral Scent Emission and Postpollination Changes in Individual Flowers of Ophrys sphegodes subsp. sphegodes.
Beetle pollinating an orchid. (Pàg. 63)
Bestuivingsbiologie van de Wespenorchis.
Bird pollination in South African species of Satyrium (Orchidaceae.)
Coevolución de plantas e insectos.
Pollination of the orchid Epipactis thunbergii by syrphid flies (Diptera: Syrphidae)
Population size, pollinator visitation and fruit production in the deceptive orchid Calypso bulbosa.
An atlas of orchid pollination: European orchids.
Deceptive pollination of Dactylorhiza incarnata: an experimental test of the magnet species hypothesis.
Effect of pollination succes on floral longevity in the orchid Calypso bulbosa (Orchidaceae)¹
Maximisation of reproductive success by European Orchideae under conditions of infrequent pollination.
Observations on orchid pollination. (Pàgs. 31-32)
Pollination of Steveniella satyrioides (Orchidaceae) by wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespoidea) in the Crimea.
The pollinium of Loroglossum hircinum (Orchidaceae) between pollination and pollen tube emission.
Zur Pseudokopulation und Bestäubung in der Gattung Ophrys (Orchidaceae) Sardiniens und Korsikas.
Bestäuber un Besucher der Blüten von Traunsteinera globosa (L.) Rchb., Orchidaceae, in Niederösterreich.
Orchid pollination in Pembrokeshire. (Pàgs. 12-13)
Form-specific fragances from Ophrys insectifera L. Orchidaceae attract species of different pollinator genera. Evidence of sympatric speciation?
Fragrance chemotypes of Platanthera (Orchidaceae) – the result of adaptation to pollinating moths?
On the role of the Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera) in pollination of Anacamptis pyramidalis (Orchidaceae). (in Russian)
Table S1. Pollinator records available for Ophrys helenae, the outcrossing Serapias species and the Oncocyclus irises,
Orchid pollination biology.
Trends in the pollination of the Orchidaceae: evolution and systematics.
Pollination of mimetic species Cephalanthera rubra (Z.) Rich. and Campanula taurica Juz. by bees of the genus Chelostoma Latr. (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) in the Crimea [1991]
Chemical and ethological studies of pollination in the genus Ophrys (Orchidaceae)
Deceit pollination of Orchis spitzelii (Orchidaceae) on the Island of Gotland in the Baltic: a suboptimal system.
Pollination and pollen energetics in mediterranean ecosystems.
Pollination of Ophrys (Orchidaceae) in Cyprus.
Pollination of the orchid Dactylorhiza fuchsii by longhorn beetles in primeval of Northeastern Poland.
Pollinators as prepollinating isolation factors: evolution and speciation in Ophrys (Orchidaceae). Isr J Bot.
Untersuchungen zur Pseudokopulation und Bestäuberspezifität in der Gattung Ophrys im östlichen Mittelmeergebiet (Orchidaceae. Hymenoptera. Apoidea) – (Pàgs. 80-118)
Zur Pseudokopulation und Bestäuberspezifität der Gattung Ophrys in Sizilien und Süditalien (Orchidaceae und Insecta, Apoidea) - (Pàgs. 119-141)
Attraction of Phyllopertha horticola (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) males to fragrance components of Ophrys flowers (Orchidaceae, section Fuciflorae)
Attraction of Phyllopertha horticola (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) males to fragrance components of Ophrys flowers (Orchidaceae, section Fuciflorae)
Beobachtungen und Experimente zur Pseudokopulation auf Ophrys-Arten Kretas II - mit einer Beschreibung von Ophrys sitiaca Paulus & Alibertis nov.spec. aus dem Ophrys fusca-omegaifera-Formenkreis (Orchidaceae) - Mitt.Bl.Arbeitskr.Heim.Orch.Baden-Württ. 20 (4) 817-882.
La pollinisation des Ophrys (Orchidaceae) et le pseudo-accouplement des Hymenopteres males.
Chemical basis for the relationship between Ophrys Orchids and their pollinators. II Volatile compounds of O. insectifera and O. speculum as insect mimetic attractants/excitants.
Chemical basis for the relationship between Ophrys orchids and their pollinators. III Volatile compounds of species in the Ophrys sections Fuciflorae and Bombyliflorae as insect mimetic attractants/excitants.
Pollination in Orchis and related genera: Evolution from rewards to deception.
Andrena flavipes (Andrenidae): Pseudokopulation auf Ophrys fusca (Orchidaceae); Pollinienentnahme und Pollination.
Campsoscolia ciliata (Scoliidae): Pseudokopulation auf Ophrys speculum (Orchidaceae); Pollinienentnahme und Pollination.
Eucera barbiventris (Apidae): Pseudokopulation auf Ophrys scolopax (Orchidaceae); Pollinienentnahme und Pollination.
Mechanisms and evolution of food-deceptive pollination systems in orchids.
Neue Befunde zur Pseudokopulation und Bestäuberspezifität in der Orchideengattung Ophrys - Untersuchungen in Kreta, Süditalien und Israel.
Odor Mymetism? Key Substances in Ophrys lutea-Andrena Pollination Relationship (Orchidaceae: Andrenidae).
Stigmatic Exudate and the Pollination of Dactyloriza fuchsii (DRUCE) Soo.
Volatiles from the flowers of four species in the sections Arachnitiformes and Araneiferae of the genus Ophrys as insect mimetic attractants.
Chemical basis for the relationship between Ophrys orchids and their pollinators. I. Volatile compounds of O. lutea and O. fusca as insect mimetic attractans/excitans.
Relations chimiques entre les Orchidées et leurs pollinisateurs
Anthecology of Orchis morio (Orchidaceae) at its Outpost in the North. (Pàgs. 167-179)
Congruences in pilosity between three species of Ophrys (Orchidaceae) in their hymenopteran pollinators. (Pàgs. 15-25)
Field studies on the behaviour of the Eucera nigrilabris male in the odour flow from flower labellum extract of Ophrys tenthredinifera (Pàgs. 79-110)
Mimicry and deception in pollination.
Pollination of Ophrys (Orchidaceae) by pseudocopulating wasps and bees.
Responses of Argogorytes (Hymenopera: Sphecidae) males to odor signals from Ophrys insectifera (Orchidaceae), Preliminary EAG and chemical investigation. (Pàgs. 111-117)
Systematisches Verzeichnis der westpaläarktischen Tetralonia- und Eucera_Arte, deren Männchen als Blütenbesucher verschiedener Ophrys-Arten festgestellt wurden. Mit Beschreibung neuer Tasa (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) 57-77
Übersicht von Beobachtungen über Besuche von Andrena und Colletes cunicularius-Männchen auf Ophrys-Blüten (Orchidaceae) (Pàgs. 41-55)
Übersicht von Beobachtungen über Besuche von Eucera- und Tetralonia-Mänchen auf Ophrys-Blüten (Orchidaceae) (Pàgs. 27-40)
Beobachtungen und Experimente zum Pseudokopulations-verhalten an Ophrys - Das Lernverhalten von Eucera barbiventris an Ophrys scolopax in Südspanien. (Pàgs.73-79.)
Congruences in pilosity between three species of Ophrys (Orchidaceae) and their Hymenopteran pollinators
Pollination of Orchis caspia -a nectarless plant chich deceives the pollinators of nectariferous species from other plant families.
Untersuchungen zur Bestäubung des Ophrys fusca-Formenkreises in Südspanien (entrat sense enllaç des de fa temps, ara he trobat l'enllaç) (Pàgs. 65-72)
The pollination ecology of Orchis galilaea (Bornm. et Schulze) Schltr. (Orchidaceae)
Ant, bee and fly pollination in Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz (Orchidaceae).
Pollination biology of Calypso bulbosa var. occidentalis (Orchidaceae): a food-deception system.
Pollination of Serapias vomeracea Briq. (Orchidaceae) by imitation of holes for sleeping solitary male bees (Hymenoptera)
The pollination ecology of Listera ovata (Orchidaceae)
Untersuchungen zur Pseudokopulation und Bestäuberspezifität in der Gattung Ophrys im östlichen Mittelmeergebiet (Orchidaceae, Hymenoptera)
Beobachtungen und untersuchungen zue bestäubungsbiologie südspanischer Ophrys-Arten.
Rain-Assisted Autogamy in Liparis loeselii (L.) L. C. Rich. (Orchidaceae)
The pollination ecology of Dactylorhiza sambucina (Orchidaceae)
Pollination ecology of, and hybridization between, Orchis coriophora L. and O. collina Sol, ex Russ. (Orchidaceae) in Israel.
The evolution of intraspecific diversity in male reproductive strategies in some bees and wasps.
Co-Evolution von Blüten und ihren tierischen Bestäubern - 20. Phylogenetisches Symposium: Co-Evolution.
Pollination ecology and adaptation in platanthera chlorantha (Orchidaceae).
Pollination ecology of Epipactis palustris (Orchidaceae)
The pollination ecology of Epipactis consimilis Don (Orchidaceae) in Israel.
Hymenoptera Aculeata Males as Pollinators of Ophrys Orchids.
Zur Ethologie von Eucera táurica MOR. (Insecta: Hymenoptera, Apidae)
Field experiments with chemical sexual attractants on aculeate hymenoptera males. II (Pàgs. 31-42)
New observations on the pollination of Ophrys L. (Orchidaceae).
Pollination von Orchis papilionacea L. in den Schwarmbahnen von Eucera tuberculata F. (Pàgs. 67-74)
Phéromones et comportement chez quelques hyménoptères.
Sex attraction in Andrena flavipes Panzer, with some observations on nest-site restriction.
Untersuchungen über die Ophrys-Bestäubung. (Pàgs. 42-55)
Studies in Ophrys pollination.
Die wildbienen der linzer umgegung und thre flugpflanzen.
On the scents and colours of Ophrys flowers and their specific pollinators among aculeate Hymenoptera. (Pàgs. 25-46)
Population Variability, Hybridization, and Introgression in Some Species of Ophrys.
Investigations on the Pollination of Ophrys Species.
Pollination and fertilization of the fly Ophrys, Ophrys insectifera L. In Allindelille Fredskov, Denmark.
Observations sur Ophrys et les Insectes.
Pollination of orchids through pseudocopulation.
Nouvelles observations sur le mimetisme et la fecondations chez les Ophrys speculum et lutea (i) - (Pàgs. 372-377)
La fécondation des Ophrys par les insectes. (Pàgs 6-7)
Beobachtungen über blütenbesuchende Insekten in Steiermark, 1913 (Pàg. 40)
Cucullia umbratica, a fertilizer of Orchis maculata.
La pollination d'une orchidée a fleurs vertes, “Listera ovata R. Br.” par les insectes.
Over de bevruchting der bloemen in het Kempisch gedeelte van Vlaanderen.
De Pyreneeënbloemen en hare bevruchting door insecten, eene bijdrage tot de bloemengeographie.
Observations sur la pollinisation des Orchidées indigenes. (Pàgs. 357-359)
On the fertilisation of Epipactis latifolia.
On the growth and fertilisation of Cypripedium calceolus.
Sur les effets de la pollinisation chez les Orchidées. (Pàgs. 219-221)
C.R. Darwin, I diversi apparecchi col mezzo dei quali le orchidee vengono fecondate dagli insetti
C.R. Darwin, The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects, 3d ed.
The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects, 2d ed.
The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects, 2d ed. revised
Fécondation des Ophrydées. Observation du transport involontaire de leus masses polliniques d'une fleur a une autre par les insectes hyménoptères.
C.R. Darwin, De la fécondation des orchidées par les insectes et des bons résultats du croisement
On the various contrivances by which British and foreign orchids are fertilised by insects, and on the good effects of intercrossing
Additional observations on the mode of fecundation in Orchideae.
juny 14, 2022

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